
  • See also the "Media" page for audio and video interviews not yet included here.
  • Abbey, Ruth and Charles Taylor. "Communitarianism, Taylor-made: An Interview with Charles Taylor." The Australian Quarterly 68, no. 1 (Autumn, 1996): 1-10. In English.;.
  • ———. "The Articulated Life: An Interview with Charles Taylor." Reason in Practice 1, no. 3 (2001).
  • Ancelovici, Marcos, Francis Dupuis-Déri, and Charles Taylor. "Entretien Avec Charles Taylor." In L'Archipel Identitaire. Montréal: Boréal, 1997. 23-36. In French.
  • Translated as "Interview with Professor Charles Taylor." Citizenship Studies 2 (1998): 247-256.
  • Beaulieu, Alain and Charles Taylor. "A Conversation with Charles Taylor." Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy (Revue Canadienne De Philosophie Continentale) 9, no. 1 (Mar., 2005): 115-127.
  • Benson, Bruce Ellis and Charles Taylor. "What it Means to be Secular: A Conversaton with Philosopher Charles Taylor." Books & Culture 8, no. 4 (July/August, 2002): 36. In English.
  • Blaikie, Daniel and Charles Taylor. "An Interview with Charles Taylor on Faith, Philosophy, and Politics." Gnosis 11, no. 1 (2010).
  • Bloor, Chris and Charles Taylor. "Interivew with Charles Taylor." Philosophy Now (Sept/Oct, 2009).
  • Bohmann, Ulf and Darío Montero. "History, Critique, Social Change and Democracy an Interview with Charles Taylor." Constellations 21, no. 1 (2014): 3-15.
  • Brière, Marc and Charles Taylor. Le Québec, Quel Québec? Dialogues Avec Charles Taylor, Claude Ryan Et Quelques Autres Sur Le Libéralisme Et Le Nationalisme Québécois. Montréal: A Stanké, 2001. In French.
  • Campion, Sonali and Charles Taylor. "Five Minutes with Charles Taylor: “In Order to make Ourselves Safe we Need to Resist Stigmatising Sections of the Population”." Democratic Audit UK (Jan 6, 2016).
    In December 2015, the Canadian philosopher Professor Charles Taylor gave a lecture at LSE entitled Democracy, Diversity, Religion. During his visit, Democratic Audit’s Sonali Campion spoke to him about democracy’s inbuilt weaknesses, and how European governments need to resist veering towards exclusion in responding to the challenges posed by the Paris attacks and ISIS.
  • Carnevale, Franco A., Daniel M. Weinstock, and Charles Taylor. "Toward a Hermeneutical Conception of Medicine: A Conversation with Charles Taylor." Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 36, no. 4 (August 01, 2011): 436-445.
  • Charles Taylor & José Casanova. "Global Religious and Secular Dynamics: A Conversation with Charles Taylor." Berkley Center, 2020. 1:13:43.
    Description: While the global COVID-19 pandemic forces us to maintain physical distance, it is more important than ever that we remain socially connected and in intellectual conversation. As part of this effort the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs is organizing the Global Religious and Secular Dynamics Discussion Series, featuring online public conversations on our contemporary global condition between renowned sociologist José Casanova, a Berkley Center senior fellow, and prominent scholars and intellectual friends.   The series’ inaugural event welcomed philosopher Charles Taylor for a conversation with Casanova about Taylor’s seminal work A Secular Age (2007) and the divergent religious dynamics that can coexist within our global secular age. They discussed the global crisis of democracy, the resurgence of exclusionary populisms and self-enclosed nationalisms, and lessons from the global pandemic about us as humans in our contemporary global condition. They also looked specifically to the Catholic tradition, examining the concept of a Catholic modernity, the multiple rites controversies, and the opening they might offer not only to multiple modernities, but to multiple Catholicities and to a global Church made up of many diverse local churches.   This event was co-sponsored by Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs and Reset Dialogues on Civilizations.
  • Costa, Paolo and Charles Taylor. "Perché La Natura Ama Nascondersi: A Colloquio Con Charles Taylor." Filosofia e Teologia 21, no. 3 (: 561-573. In Italian.
  • ———. "A Colloquio Con Charles Taylor." Annali Di Studi Religiosi 1 (2000): 391-404. In Italian.
  • ———. "“Democracy is always Going to be Hard”: An Interview with Charles Taylor." The Review of Politics 84, no. 2 (2022): 238-251.
    This interview with the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor was designed and realized to celebrate his ninetieth birthday in November 2021. The interview touches on all the main themes of Taylor's oeuvre, from his view of philosophy to the inherent link between human intelligence and strong evaluations, from the Immanent Frame to postsecularity, from today's democratic crisis to the 1980s debate between liberals and communitarians, from Xi Jinping's China to the global health emergency, from spirituality to Philosophical Romanticism. It is both a hindsight analysis by a first-class thinker and a glance into the future by an incurable optimist.
  • Rebekah Cumpsty, Karl O'Hanlon, and Charles Taylor, . "Our Subtler Languages: An Interview with Charles Taylor." Eborakon (4 Aug, 2016).
  • de Lara, Philippe and Charles Taylor. "De l’anthropologie Philosophique à La Politique De La Reconnaissance: Entretien De Philippe De Lara Avec Charles Taylor." In Charles Taylor Et l’interprétation De l’identité Moderne, edited by Guy Laforest and Philippe de Lara. Paris;Sainte Foy;: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, Cerf;Les Presses de l'Université Laval;, 1998. In French.
  • Translated as "From Philosophical Anthropology to the Politics of Recognition: An Interview with Philippe De Lara." Thesis Eleven 52 (Feb., 1998): 103-112.
  • ———. "Qu'Est-Ce Qu'Une Philosophique Morale Réaliste? Entretien De Philippe De Lara Avec Charles Taylor." In Charles Taylor Et l’interprétation De l’identité Moderne, edited by Guy Laforest and Philippe de Lara. Paris;Sainte Foy;: Centre Culturel International de Cerisy-la-Salle, Cerf;Les Presses de l'Université Laval;, 1998. 365-370. In French.
  • Francis Denis & Charles Taylor. "Église En Sortie 8 Décembre 2017." Video. seletlumieretv, Dec 8, 2017. 28:30. French
    Description: Cette semaine à Église en sortie, Francis Denis s'entretient avec le philosophe et auteur Charles Taylor sur la modernité, la sécularisation et du rôle de l'Église dans nos sociétés aujourd'hui. Et on vous présente un reportage sur le Salon du livre de Montréal 2017.
  • Derbyshire, Jonathan and Charles Taylor. "The Books Interview: Charles Taylor." New Statesman (23 February, 2012).
  • Guillaume Dumas and Charles Taylor. "Le Projet De Loi Sur La Laïcité Vu Par Charles Taylor." Audio. 12:15. 2019. French
    Description: Le philosophe Charles Taylor est derrière le fameux rapport de la Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d'accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles de 2007, le rapport Bouchard-Taylor. Dans ce rapport était recommandée l'interdiction des signes religieux ostentatoires et le retrait du crucifix à l'Assemblée Nationale. Il s'est depuis dissocié du rapport. Aujourd'hui, il est « absolument contre cette législation » et « pour une liberté entière de tous les employés de l'État ».
  • Dyke, Nathalie and Charles Taylor. "Redefinir la famille: Entrevue Avec Charles Taylor." Mokasofa (23 mars, 2003). In French.
  • Michael Enright and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor's Clear-Eyed Vision of our Distress, Coupled to a Deep-Rooted Celebration of Humanity." Audio recording. 35:06. January 22, 2017.
  • Flahive, Paul and Charles Taylor. "The Source: Language and Humanity [Interview with Charles Taylor]." Texas Public Radio. Audiorecording. March 21, 2016.
  • Paul Flahive and Charles Taylor . "The Interview: Canadian Philosopher Charles Taylor." ABC Sunday Nights. May 1, 2016.
  • Taylor, Charles and Michel Foucault. "Politics and Ethics: An Interview." In the Foucault Reader, edited by Paul Rabinow. New York: Pantheon, 1984. 373-380.
  • Taylor, Charles and Akbar Ganji. "Akbar Ganji in Conversation with Charles Taylor." The Immanent Frame (December 23, 2008).
    Excerpts from a dialogue between Akbar Ganji and Charles Taylor. The interview took place over two days in April of 2007, at Northwestern University. It was translated by Ahmad Sadri, transcribed by Morteza Dehghani and will appear at the end of a Persian translation of Taylor’s Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited, for which Taylor has written a new foreword for his Iranian readers. Readers can download the full English transcript of the dialogue here. For more background on Akbar Ganji see his website.
    Full transcript available here.
  • Gelonesi, Joe and Charles Taylor. "Interview with Charles Taylor." The Philosopher's Zone. Audiorecording. 29 May, 2016.
  • Gervais, Lisa-Marie and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor, l’homme De La Réconciliation." Le Devoir (20 avril, 2018).
  • Haffner, John, Andy Lamey, and Charles Taylor. "Interview: Charles Taylor." Hypatia Alexandreias 2, no. 1 (1993): 13-25.
  • Halmer, Nikolaus and Charles Taylor. "Von Der Macht Der Sprache: Interview Mit Charles Taylor." Mesotes 1 (1991): 85-87. In German.
  • Imbelli, Rev. Robert P. and Charles Taylor. "Revitalizing the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Catholic University Campuses: A Conversation with Charles Taylor." Boston College, November 10, 2013.
  • Jean, Michaëlle and Charles Taylor. "Le Redresseur De Tordus." L'Actualité (Juillet, 1998): 18-20. In French.
  • John Templeton Foundation, Taylor, Charles. "What Role does Spiritual Thinking have in the 21st Century?" 2020,
  • Kearney, Richard and Charles Taylor. "Federations and Nations: Living among Others." In States of Mind: Dialogues with Contemporary Thinkers, edited by Richard Kearney, 1995. 23-32.
  • Koppelman, Andrew and Charles Taylor. "Taylor-made Selves [Interview with Charles Taylor]." The Philosopher's Magazine 12 (Autumn 2000, 2000): 37-40.
  • Kot, Elżbieta, Łukasz Tischner, Wojciech Bonowicz, Tomáš Halík, and Charles Taylor. "Jaskinia Filozofów." Miesięcznik "Znak" 666 (November, 2010). In Polish.
  • Kuipers, Ronald A. and Charles Taylor. "The New Atheism and the Spiritual Landscape of the West: A Conversation with Charles Taylor (Part One of Three)." The Other Journal.Com: An Intersection of Theology and Culture 11, no. "Atheism" (June 12, 2008).
  • ———. "Religious Belonging in an "Age of Authenticity": A Conversation with Charles Taylor (Part Two of Three)." The Other Journal.Com: An Intersection of Theology and Culture 12, no. "Aesthetics" (June 23, 2008).
  • ———. "Accommodation, Islamophobia, and the Politics of Mobilization: A Conversation with Charles Taylor (Part Three of Three)." The Other Journal.Com: An Intersection of Theology and Culture 13, no. "The Politics of Change" (October 9, 2008).
  • ———. "New Atheism and the Spiritual Landscape of the West: An Interview with Charles Taylor." In "God is Dead” and I Don’t Feel so Good Myself: Theological Engagements with New Atheism, edited by Andrew David, Christopher J. Keller and Jon Stanley. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010.
  • Leblanc, Gérard and Charles Taylor. "Un Géant Campé Dans La Modernité." La Presse (26 Fev., 1994): B6. In French.
  • ———. "Charles Taylor En Entrevue à La Presse." La Presse (16 Sept., 1995). In French.
  • Magee, Bryan and Charles Taylor. "Marxist Philosophy." In Men of Ideas, edited by Bryan Magee. New York: Viking Press, 1978. 42-58.
  • ———. "Marxist Philosophy." [Marxist Philosophy] In Milli Egitin Basimaki. Istanbul: , 1979. In Turkish.
  • ———. "Marxist Philosophy." In Talking Philosophy: Dialogues with Fifteen Leading Philosophers, edited by Bryan Magee. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
  • James McEvoy and Charles Taylor. "Radio Interview with Charles Taylor and James McEvoy about A Secular Age." Encounters, Sept. 6 2009(Audiorecording).
  • Krüger, Hans-Peter and Charles Taylor. "Glaube Und Vernunft. Ironie in Derconditio Humana?" Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 60, no. 5 (2012): 763-784. In German.
    Charles taylor explains a broader understanding of faith as well as of reason in his philosophical anthropology. in leading one’s own life, faith contains more than having certain beliefs, and reason grasps more than having scientific methods. taylor answers questions regarding the relation of his great narrative to the approaches of M. heidegger, M. merleau-ponty, M. foucault, K. jaspers, and S. eisenstadt (axial cultures and multiple modernities). insofar as the secularization of christianity involves ironic reversals, all main directions in western modernity (forms of religion, secular humanism, and anti-humanism) are faced with dilemmas. instead of looking for scapegoats in the others, all directions are called upon to cooperate. the open questionability of the human condition has no last answer.
  • Taylor, Charles, C. Lalaut, Mo Padis, and Jl Schlegel. "Live in Pluralism: Interview with Charles Taylor." Esprit, no. 10 (2014): 22-31
  • Taylor, Charles, Kerner Zsolt, and Jankovics Márton. "Egy Zsugorodó Országot Látok, Ahonnan a Legokosabbak Mennek El." 24.Hu (06.05, 2019). In Hungarian.
    Charles Taylor az egyik legnagyobb élő filozófus, a hatását legfeljebb Jürgen Habermaséhoz lehetne hasonlítani. Budapesten járt, hogy a CEU-n a demokráciáról adjon elő, ezért arról beszélgettünk vele, miért keresnek az autoriter vezetők egyre újabb jelzőket a demokrácia mellé, hogy politizálnia kell-e egy gondolkodónak, és miért bűn Magyarországon a multikulturalizmus. Azt is elmondta, miben látja a megoldást a xenofób populizmussal szemben, és hogy ki lehet jó példa a politikusok számára.
  • McPherson, David and Charles Taylor. "Re-Enchanting the World: An Interview with Charles Taylor." Philosophy & Theology 24, no. 2 (07, 2012): 275-294. doi:10.5840/philtheo1201224215.
    This interview with charles taylor explores a central concern throughout his work, viz., his concern to confront the challenges presented by the process of'disenchantment in the modern world. it focuses especially on what is involved in seeking a kind of 're-enchantment.' A key issue that is discussed is the relationship of taylor's theism to his effort of seeking re-enchantment. some other related issues that are explored pertain to questions surrounding taylor's argument against the standard secularization thesis that views secularization as a process involving the ineluctable fading away of religion. additionally, the relationship between taylor's religious views and his philosophical work is discussed. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]; copyright of philosophy & theology is the property of philosophy documentation center and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. however, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. this abstract may be abridged. no warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (copyright applies to all abstracts.).
  • Meany, Thomas, Yascha Mounk, and Charles Taylor. "Spiritual Gains." The Utopian (20 September, 2010).
  • Taylor, Charles and Michiel Meijer. "Fellow Travellers on Different Paths: A Conversation with Charles Taylor." Philosophy & Social Criticism 46, no. 8 (2020): 985-1002.
    This interview with Charles Taylor explores a central concern throughout his work, namely, his concern to ‘reenchant’ self and world through a careful examination of value as emanating from the world rather than from ourselves. It focuses especially on the status of his central doctrine of ‘strong evaluation’ against the background of mainstream meta-ethical theories, such as neo-Kantian constructivism and robust realist non-naturalism. Additionally, the relationship between Taylor’s theism and his moral–political philosophy is discussed. A key issue that is examined is what ontological background picture can make sense of the strong evaluative experience of higher worth. Some other related issues that are explored revolve around Taylor’s papers ‘Disenchantment-Reenchantment’ and ‘Recovering the Sacred’, which tentatively explore the meaning of reenchantment.
  • Taylor, Charles and Michiel Meijer. "What is Reenchantment? an Interview with Charles Taylor." In The Philosophy of Reenchantment, edited by Michiel Meijer and Herbert De Vriese. New York: Routledge, 2021.;;;
    This interview with Charles Taylor explores a central concern throughout his work; namely, his concern to “reenchant” self and world through a careful examination of value as emanating from the world rather than from ourselves. It focuses especially on the status of his central doctrine of “strong evaluation” against the background of mainstream metaethical theories, such as neo-Kantian constructivism and robust realist non-naturalism. Additionally, the relationship between Taylor’s theism and his moral-political philosophy is discussed. A key issue that is examined is what ontological background picture can make sense of the strong evaluative experience of higher worth. Some other related issues that are explored revolve around Taylor’s papers “Disenchantment-Reenchantment” and “Recovering the Sacred,” which tentatively explore the meaning of reenchantment.
  • Morita, Akihiko and Charles Taylor. "The New Horizon of Human Rights - Dialogue with Charles Taylor." Fujiwara-Shoten (2005).
  • Carol Off and Charles Taylor . "Philosopher Charles Taylor on a More Inclusive World and Winning $1M Berggruen Prize." CBC Radio. Oct 5, 2016.
  • Joshua Ostroff and Charles Taylor . "Charles Taylor, Brains Behind Canadian Multiculturalism, Talks Trump, Brexit and Rise of Xenophobia." Huffington Post (Oct 28, 2016).
  • Steve Paulson and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor on the Secular." To the best of our knowledge, 18 March 2012. (Radio).
  • Andrzej Pawelec and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor, the Full Scope of the Human Linguistic Capacity [Granice Ludzkiego Języka]." Video. Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, May 25, 2019. 1:24:27. 
    Description: The fourth lecture of Copernicus Festival 2019, entitled "The Full Scope of the Human Linguistic Capacity", will be given by Charles Taylor. After the lecture, a conversation with prof. Taylor will be led by prof. Andrzej Pawelec.  
    Transcript prepared by Samuel Porter, available here.
  • Pichette, Jean and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor - Un Philosophe Enraciné Dans Le Monde." Le Devoir (14 Déc, 1992).
  • Rogers, Ben and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor Interviewed." Prospect Magazine (February 29, 2008).
  • Rosa, Hartmut, Arto Laitinen, and Charles Taylor. "On Identity, Alienation and the Consequences of September 11th: An Interview with Charles Taylor." Acta Philosophica Fennica 71 (2002): 165-195.
    The interview covers almost the whole range of charles taylor's political and intellectual endeavor. it starts with a discussion of his new project of exploring "modern social imaginaries" and of his interpretation of 9/11. this is followed by a critical re-examination of key concepts of social criticism, such as equality, justice, alienation or recognition, and of the role intellectuals can play today. the focus then shifts to taylor's political and intellectual background and his sources of inspiration, such as E.P. thompson, merleau-ponty or dostoyevsky. the last part seeks a clarification of contested aspects of taylor's philosophical approach such as his notions of culture, identity, personhood or strong evaluation and the somewhat uneasy relationship between moral realism and radical self-interpretation.
  • ———. "Interview: Tocqueville Statt Marx. Über Identität, Entfremdung Und Die Konsequenzen Des 11. September." Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 50, no. 1 (2002): 127-148. In German.
  • Michael Rosen & Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor: A Conversation with Michael Rosen - October 25, 2018." Harvard University Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, 2018. 1:48:51.
  • Roy, Réal and Charles Taylor. "Rencontre Avec Charles Taylor à Propos De Ses Oeuvres: Conférence De Charles Taylor." Cégep de Limoilou, 1998.
  • Samuel, Raphael, Stuart Hall, and Charles Taylor. "Then and Now: A Re-Evaluation of the New Left." In Out of Apathy: Voices of the New Left Thirty Years on, edited by Robin Archer. London: Verso, 1989. 143-170.
    Notes: Interview with charles taylor, raphael samuel and stuart hall.
  • John Searle and Charles Taylor. "Voices: The Trouble with the Truth." 1988. (Videorecording).
  • Robert Siegel and Charles Taylor. "Interview on “All Things Considered”." .
  • Charles Taylor & Nick Spencer. "What does it Mean to Live in a Secular Age?" Reading Our Times, Oct 27, 2020.
    Description: We live in “a secular age”, but what does that actually mean? How does secularism relate to religion? And how should it?   Nick Spencer talks to the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor, about his famous book ‘A Secular Age’, which has done more to bring sophistication and nuance to the debates about secularism than any other published in a generation. .
  • Ray Suarez and Charles Taylor. "Interview on "the News Hour with Jim Lehrer"." The News Hour with Jim Lehrer, March 20 2007. (Videorecording).
  • Swan, Michael. "Charlie Hebdo 'Part of the Situation' that Led to Attack, Says Charles Taylor." The Catholic Register (January 12, 2015).
  • Taylor, Charles and Solène Tadié. "Secularization is an Opportunity for Christianity, Says Ratzinger Prize Laureate." National Catholic Register (Dec 03, 2019).
  • Taylor, Charles. "Un Entretien Avec Charles Taylor." Le Monde (14-15 Mai, 1995): 12. In French.
  • ———. "L'Expérience Intérieure." Le Devoir (4 Avr., 1998): D1-D2.
  • ———. "The Ideal of Authenticity." Spiked Review January (January 2016).
  • ———. "Five Minutes with Charles Taylor: “In Order to make Ourselves Safe we Need to Resist Stigmatising Sections of the Population”." Democratic Audit UK (1 June, 2016).
  • ———. "Professor Charles Taylor ~ Faith as a Journey / Questioning Faith / Talking about God / what Kind of Religion Makes Sense in a Secular Age? / Rational Belief God." YouTube. Jun 12, 2017.
  • ———. "Charles Taylor, Le Philosophe Optimiste (2018)." Video. Sociologie de l'intégration 2, Apr 29, 2018. 43:55. French
    Description: Une discussion avec le philosophe Charles Taylor Désautels le dimanche, 29 AVRIL 2018, Radio-Canada Première Lieu: Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec   « À 86 ans, le philosophe montréalais continue d'observer le monde de son œil curieux. Taylor constate combien l'époque est porteuse d'espoir, et ce, en dépit de la présence croissante des idéologies et de la capacité des individus à raisonner dans le confort de leur bulle relationnelle. Pour lui, malgré tout, l'optimisme reste de mise : la curiosité insatiable de la jeunesse d'un côté et la généralisation des nouvelles technologies de l'autre constituent autant d'éléments susceptibles de transcender les cloisonnements et d'alimenter les confrontations d'idées. » Source :
  • ———. "Charles Taylor Über Demokratie (Engl.)." Video. 2018. 4:34. English
    Description: "Kulturzeit"-Interview mit dem Philosophen: "Die Demokratie ist anfällig für gewisse Dinge, die schiefgehen können," sagt Charles Taylor. Welche drei Dinge das sind, erklärt er im Interview. Taylor war zu Gast an der American Academy in Berlin.
  • Thompson, Simon and Charles Taylor. "'the Politics of Recognition': Interview with Charles Taylor." Newsletter of the Centre for Critical Theory, University of the West of England (August, 2002): 4-5.
  • Throsby, Margaret and Charles Taylor. "Radio Interview with Philosopher Professor Charles Taylor." ABC Classic FM. Audiorecording. April 20, 2016.
  • Anna Maria Tremoni and Charles Taylor. "Philosopher King: Charles Taylor." The Current (CBC Radio), 2012(Audiorecording).
  • Trum, Phillip and Charles Taylor. "Thinker Taylor." Headway 3, no. 2 (Winter, 2008).
  • Van Leeuwen, Bart, de Le Lombo, and Charles Taylor. "Charles Taylor on Secularization: Introduction and Interview." Ethical Perspectives: Journal of the European Ethics Network 10, no. 1 (2003): 78-86.
    According to charles taylor secularization is not so much a process that has developed on neutral epistemic grounds, but rather on moral and spiritual grounds. one aspect of this process is the turn to 'personal religion' mediated by the reformation. this shift fits a broad cultural pattern that arose during modernity and that he refers to as the ethics of authenticity. this led not only to a rise in new kinds of religion and spirituality, but also in the number of people who are declaring themselves to be atheist or agnostic. in the interview, taylor explains how this process can be interpreted in terms of a gradual shift from a hierarchical social imaginary, where god is present in the sacred, to a horizontal social imaginary in the form of a providential design. he also discusses how the backlash against multiculturalism might be related to the process of secularization.
  • Von Thadden, Elisabeth and Charles Taylor. "In Der Zukunft Ankern [Interview]." Die Zeit, no. 27 (23. Juni 2016, 2016). In German.
  • Volráb, Vladimír. "An Interview with Prof. Charles Taylor." World Community for Christian Meditation. May 11, 2020.
  • Taylor, Charles and Vladimir Volrab. "An Extraordinary Outburst of Solidarity: In Conversation with Prof. Charles Taylor ." WCCM: Meditation and Community,
  • Waleed Aly, Scott Stephens and Charles Taylor. "Can Democracies Resist Racial and Religious Exclusion? [Interview with Charles Taylor]." The Minefield. Audiorecording. 28 April, 2016.
  • Taylor, Charles, Daniel M. Weinstock, Jacob Levy, and Jocelyn Maclure. "A Conversation between Charles Taylor, Jacob T. Levy, Daniel M. Weinstock, and Jocelyn Maclure." In Interpreting Modernity: Essays on the Work of Charles Taylor, edited by Daniel M. Weinstock, Jacob Levy and Jocelyn Maclure. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2020. 265.

  • Jack Russell Weinstein and Charles Taylor. "A Secular Age." Why? Radio, October 10 2010.